Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Shifting Goals

Well, I did it. I signed up for a marathon in January. Since I don't have much spare cash, this was a big investment, so barring injury, I am committed to doing this. All my spare funds will go towards race registration and travel (no Oireachtas this year). Good thing I just sold some video games at Game Stop and dropped off some stuff at FedEx for eBay Valet. I need to post a couple of other eBay items, too. I have already started running with one of the other mommies in a mommy group I go to. I just need to make sure I don't overtrain and I stave off tendonitis. I am still dancing, I just knew I couldn't devote the time, nor was the class structured, toward reaching my dance goals this year. I will still go to class once a week, but this year, it will be all about overall fitness. I need to get back into the shape I was in so that I can reach my fitness goals (to include dance goals). It's a rebuilding year. I will kick off 2017 with a marathon, and then who knows what else 2017 will bring. Oireachtas? Another move to another state and a different dance school? My best ever running times? At least I will be fit and ready for whatever.

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